08/13/2020 / By S.D. Wells
With or without Trump in office, expect the Democrats, who are led by communists now disguised as socialists, to continue installing all of the following communist-style rules and laws across America, by first “conditioning” the masses with lighter punishment. This will all develop into tyrannical nightmares for ultimately a communist-style, perpetual police-state America. Democrat governors, as well as most Democrat mayors, are already “all in.”
For the full flip from capitalism to despotism to unravel and really take root in America, citizens must lose all respect for themselves and give up all power, then literally vote all of this into place out of fear and “hope” for change (think Obama and Soros here). Folks, the “New Normal” is really screwed up. Here’s how it will go quickly from bad to much worse.
Top 7 ways all Americans are being “conditioned” for communism by the left
- All coins disappear from circulation (already in the works right now), then cash becomes obsolete, then eventually everyone’s money, including all savings accounts and retirement accounts, are instantly frozen and confiscated, never to be returned, all in the name of “national security.”
- All citizens’ guns will have to be registered, and then shortly thereafter, they will be confiscated, while simultaneously all police across the nation are disbanded. That’s exactly what Hitler did to the Jews first. The only people that will be allowed to own and carry guns will be Democrat politicians, their personal security guards, military police (United Nations/Interpol), BLM and Antifa (Chinese police disguised as Russians).
- Religion and prayer will be punished with heavy fines, and then eventually completely outlawed, as any “gathering” will be considered dangerous for spreading the new Bill Gates/Fauci viruses (but of course BLM and Antifa can still gather for terrorist rioting (“peaceful protests”).
- Much tighter restrictions on social media are put in place: Every conservative (and republican) person/viewpoint will be permanently banned (not just shadow-banned or defunded) from every social media platform forever, and social credits will be issued for anyone seeking to use public transportation – the only form of transportation that will be available (after all fossil fuels are made illegal and eliminated).
- Every American will be conned or force vaccinated with the HORRID covid vaccine, which will end up being a series of Nazi-style dirty vaccines where the 2nd round sterilizes the population, and the 3rd round kills off all the “undesirables” (Blacks, Jews, Christians, Catholics, Republicans, and anyone who won’t work as a slave in factories).
- First, all food will be processed with chemicals, as organic food will become illegal, and then GMO food will be the ONLY food available in a very limited supply, until the masses are poisoned and starved to death.
- Every US citizen must wear covid masks at all times — including inside their home – oh but then it gets much more strict shortly after that, where everyone must wear an entire hazmat suit (already seeing this), face masks, face shields and gloves, so that we all look homogeneous, and so that nobody can communicate properly, or have any style, fashion, individual personality or culture.

One hundred million zombie-like factory workers and White slaves in the GMO corn fields
When the ‘Demoncrats’ (Communists and Globalists w/Big Tech) take control of the White House (and all of Congress), and eventually they will, the only Americans left living will be zombie-like factory workers and White slaves in the GMO corn fields. Guard the Constitution with everything you’ve got, because Covid-19 is just the tip of the iceberg.
Now tune that old internet dial to Pandemic.news for updates on Bill Gates’ disease being the “gateway virus” to losing all your rights as a citizen – to own land, a home, a car, to practice free speech, religion, and to own a gun.
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