News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 SCAPEGOATS the LEFT blames as cover for all the mayhem they’re causing
The blame and hate game is in full effect in America, as the Biden Regime sinks the Republic faster than a glacier sinking the Titanic. Every problem created and perpetuated by the Obama and Biden autocracies has a scapegoat, or two, or three, just in case the brainwashed sheeple aren’t quite sure how to follow […]
By S.D. Wells
Accept Big Pharma’s LIES and Big Government’s NARRATIVE or face prison time, say insane cry-bully Leftists who claim to fight for “tolerance” and “equal treatment”
Though the American “Left” goes off the deep end every day all over social media and national talk shows, the “Right” apparently has no right to call out the lies, misinformation and disinformation that’s being spewed from the Left. It’s a one-way street of fake news, fake genders, atheism, Satanism and straight-up, out-in-the-open censorship. We’ve […]
By S.D. Wells
The COMMUNIST INFILTRATION of America’s educational curriculum and children’s minds
Dial it back 50 years, or even 30, and no Americans would have suspected that the U.S. government would go “all in” for perverting school children’s minds, achieving hidden agendas, destroying the nuclear family and confusing kids about gender “identity.” Under communism, citizens, including children, are distracted, lose their identity, become culturally void, are not […]
By S.D. Wells
Biden Regime worked to DIVIDE THE NATION even more when he declared Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility”
Biden’s declaration of Easter Sunday being “Transgender Day of Visibility” is part of the massive scheme to divide the nation, continually pitting one group against another. Hitler did the same thing with the Jews and the German people. This does NOT help the transgender community rise to an equal status, but instead denigrates them and […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 CONSPIRACY THEORIES of the LEFT that have already cost trillions of dollars and millions of innocent American lives
Nearly every Democrat in America is currently hypnotized by Obama’s Big Media hoaxes, and they just can’t get their head around the idea that nearly every Democrat leader at the top is pushing for a communist America, where there is no middle class, nobody owns anything (including guns), and the one-party autocratic system rules forever. […]
By S.D. Wells
Americans repeatedly warned not to mislabel transgenders – but most transgenders actually WANT to CONFUSE people about their gender, especially “binaries”
What if on Halloween you guessed someone’s costume wrong at a work party and it got you fired from your job and sued for mis-costuming them? Similarly, what if a person wants to be ambiguous about their gender identity, then are other people at fault for not knowing the “right” one? That doesn’t seem fair, […]
By S.D. Wells
Explanation: Why nearly all liberals are falling for the Communist takeover of America
Inherently, most people are good people, who want fairness, equality, and to eliminate bias all around them. People are mostly accepting of other’s differences, but the term “liberal” has become a very dirty word, just like patriot. What happened, and why do American liberals hate so many people so intensely, while they claim to be […]
By S.D. Wells
Geek Squad says NO to all religious symbols while pushing and promoting LGBTQ PROPAGANDA and TRANS-religion for all non-white employees
Geek Squad is on the lookout for anyone trying to take pride in their own religion and telling them to censor themselves. Meanwhile, it is pushing gay and trans-agendas right and left through mandated LGBTQ promotions, propaganda and indoctrination at work. Only rainbows and men in high heels, but no crosses on jewelry or Jewish […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 examples of MISDIRECTED SUPPORT in America
Inherently, most people are good people, and want to help other folks by supporting good causes, organizations, and movements. Americans vote for certain politicians because they want change that works in their favor, for the good of the economy, or for national security. Some people support disease and disorder foundations because they believe those organizations […]
By S.D. Wells
FUNDING FAKE SCIENCE: American Medical Association wants U.S. taxpayers to pay for uterus transplants for FAKE WOMEN “trannies” at $300,000 per operation
Internal cosmetic surgery is now “on the table” as the highly corrupt American Medical Association (AMA) is suggesting US taxpayers foot the bill for “Transgender Surgical Care” costing over a quarter million dollars per patient. This would involve surgeons wasting precious hours implanting a uterus into a biological man who will still obviously NOT be […]
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