News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Near-media BLACKOUT on deadly shootings in Chicago that happen EVERY weekend in Democrat-run gun control zone
As the disgustingly dishonest establishment media continues to heap scorn and derision on POTUS Donald Trump following a pair of mass shootings last weekend, despite the fact that he had nothing at all to do with them, the same media has regularly ignored often daily mass shootings in Democrat-run cities all over the country. While […]
By JD Heyes
FBI director is focusing his agency more on “white supremacy violence” despite the fact that Left-wing anti-Trump anarchists are committing most of it
POTUS Donald Trump is doing his level best to drain the D.C. swamp which is infested with Deep State careerists and elitists in the intelligence and federal law enforcement institutions, but he’s having a difficult time of it because the resistance has been stiff, as you might imagine. Swept into office in January 2017 already […]
By JD Heyes
Dayton shooter CLEARLY a Left-wing radical kook who supported Antifa, Elizabeth Warren and hated Trump
As additional details emerge about the pair of mass murderers — Patrick Crusius and Connor Betts — who attacked people in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, respectively, within a 24-hour period, the more we learn what a useless institution the legacy media have become. That’s because every single detail about both young men the […]
By JD Heyes
Kamala Harris accused of keeping blacks jailed to provide “slave wage labor” to the state of California
Sen. Kamala Harris loves to talk about criminal justice reform like she means it, but when the rubber meets the road and she is challenged on her record of ‘reform’ while serving as California’s attorney general recently, what she says on a debate stage rings hollow. So hollow, in fact, that the only thing Harris […]
By JD Heyes
Google run by anti-conservative BULLIES who threaten, intimidate and eliminate conservative employees
In recent months, investigative reporting by a precious few, but very valuable, independent news organizations have laid bare the blatant anti-Trump, anti-conservative bias inherent and routinely practiced by tech giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. And while officials with these companies regularly deny that they intentionally target conservatives for censorship and banning — even […]
By JD Heyes
Antifa anarchists gearing up for 10-day “militancy training” and “siege” of El Paso; Texas patriots should mobilize
We wondered when Left-wing extremists would try to pull off a “John Brown” event prior to the 2020 election in the name of ‘freeing’ illegal aliens, and it appears we may not have much longer to wait. According to information circulating online, Antifa-aligned anarchists and activists are calling for a 10-day “siege” of El Paso, […]
By JD Heyes
Tyranny of the Left: Woman who blew whistle on trash heaps in Baltimore threatened with hacking, hit piece
If you needed another example showing how Democrats are the real authoritarians and tyrants, and how the Leftist media works to defend the Donkey Party, this is it. Recall in recent days the media-generated “controversy” over the president’s criticisms regarding Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), who is black, and the condition of much of his Baltimore […]
By JD Heyes
Dem congresswoman conspiring with migrants to circumvent Trump’s “return to Mexico” policy: It’s time to arrest these criminals
At the same time Democrats keep telling everyone they are in favor of tougher border security they are doing everything they can to undermine POTUS Donald Trump and his administration’s attempts to protect our country and maintain the integrity of our laws and international boundary. If Democrats aren’t suing the administration using cherry-picked Left-wing judicial […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats claim no one is allowed to criticize rat-infested s##thole liberal cities because… racism
How can you tell your political opponent has absolutely no reasonable, informed response to a difference of opinion on police or an issue? Answer: He/she will call you names rather than engage you with a point or counterpoint. And for Democrats in the age of POTUS Donald Trump, that label is “racist!” In fact, the […]
By JD Heyes
Way beyond censorship, California Democrats now trying to de-platform President Trump from the election BALLOTS
Are California Democrats getting so worried about losing their grip on one-party rule in the Golden State they are willing to act like tyrants and usurp the Constitution in order to keep POTUS Donald Trump off the 2020 ballot? It sure seems that way based on a new law the Democrat super-majority passed this week. […]
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