News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Facebook conspires to memory hole ALL posts or news articles that mention the name of the so-called Ukraine “whistleblower”
Most Americans who only get their news from “mainstream” sources believe that the so-called “whistleblower” whose complaint that President Trump acted improperly on a phone call with the president of Ukraine in July — kicking off Democrats’ “impeachment inquiry” — do not yet know this person’s name. They don’t know, for example, that the person […]
By JD Heyes
CNN, ABC News ignore the Epstein cover-up… lying fake news media hides everything from its own viewers in order to protect the Clintons
We don’t do “conspiracy theory” stories around here unless, of course, they involve actual conspiracies — that is, two or more people or entities getting together to influence, hide, or affect an event. Like the “Spygate” conspiracy, for example. This was a very obvious attempt by several Deep State members in good standing, working on […]
By JD Heyes
Confirmed: Left-wing lawyer for so-called “Ukraine whistleblower” tweeted in 2017 “coup has started” against Trump
President Trump has been regularly lampooned and ridiculed by the garbage mainstream media and Democratic Party for claiming that he is the victim of an ongoing “coup attempt” by the deep state, which seeks to toss him out of office and reverse the 2016 election results. But now, it’s been confirmed as real by none […]
By JD Heyes
California has highest poverty rate in the nation as the collapse of “Calizuela” accelerates… Democrats destroy everything they control
How does a U.S. state manage to produce one-quarter of national gross domestic product, rise to the sixth-largest economy in the world all on its own, and become the globe’s leading technology hub — and still manage to have the highest poverty rate in the entire country? That’s a question for the Democrats who have […]
By JD Heyes
Now Leftists go insane over meme of President Trump honoring military dog involved in the recent ISIS leader raid
Left-wing lunatics and Democrats filled with rage over the fact that they’ve been unable to oust President Donald Trump from office since he defeated the most criminally investigated presidential contender in generations, Hillary Clinton, are now so unhinged that they are reflexively triggered by him. To wit: Now, even dogs are on the Democrat hate […]
By JD Heyes
When Islamic fathers murder their sons for being gay, there’s no outcry from the Left because protecting Islam is a higher priority than protecting gays
Young Western Leftists are confused about a lot of things — capitalism versus socialism/communism, for example, believing the latter economic models are superior — because the people responsible for educating them have lied to them for years. They’ve been conditioned to believe that their feelings and their virtue signaling are more important than critical thinking […]
By JD Heyes
Google and Wikipedia are a tag-team monopoly disinfo factory trying to re-write all events to fit Democrat narratives
Former Google employees-turned whistleblowers have repeatedly provided evidence and documentation of the tech-and-media giant’s ongoing efforts to shunt and censor information and news reports that are favorable to President Donald Trump and Republicans. The objective of Google, which is run by Left-wing sycophants and brainwashed Marxists, is to change elections in favor of like-minded Democrats […]
By JD Heyes
Bong-smoking “throuple” Democrat Katie Hill resigns after caught in highly inappropriate lesbian relationship with her own staffer
In November 2018, Katie Hill become the first Democrat to win an Orange County, Calif., congressional district in 26 years. A little less than a year later, she’s resigning in disgrace. A rising star in her party, Hill, who was openly bisexual, was the No. 2 Democrat on the House Oversight Committee and had been […]
By JD Heyes
Of course! An Obama-appointed federal judge orders Justice Department to turn over redacted grand jury info from Mueller report to House Democrats
Remember how House Democrats keep telling us that their “impeachment inquiry” regarding President Trump is all about the Constitution and not at all partisan or political? Yeah, well, if you don’t believe that, you have great instincts. Of course, it’s political. Democrats and their allies in the Left-wing “mainstream” media have been angling to impeach […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats pushing to criminalize words they don’t like, while ignoring all the slurs they unleash against Trump supporters
Humans have characteristics that make it nearly impossible to ‘reach them’ — that is, change their minds about things in which they fervently believe — even with hard, cold facts. It’s the way we’re wired. We can’t help ourselves. Not to offend anyone, but that’s how religions spread: People believe in it with all their […]
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