News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
CNN hack “Fredo” Cuomo blasts “Trumpers” for criticizing climate activist “kid” Greta Thunberg, but his network savaged “kid” Nick Sandmann of Covington Catholic school
There are no more hypocritical people on this green earth than Democrats and their sycophantic propagandists in the “mainstream media,” as CNN hack extraordinaire Chris “Fredo” Cuomo proved again this week. You may recall a young Swedish teen named Greta Thunberg, who blasted onto the international scene a few months back with an impassioned speech […]
By JD Heyes
Monumental hypocrite Ilhan Omar blasted pro-life Christians for trying to ‘impose their views on society’ while imposing her own radical demand for unlimited ABORTION
Controversial Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar, the Minnesota Democrat who has been accused of being anti-Semitic, is also a major hypocrite when it comes to her description of pro-life Christians. Back in May, according to Lifesite News, Omar gave a speech on the House floor in which she slammed pro-life Christians for attempting to ‘impose their […]
By JD Heyes
Panderer-in-chief: Bloomberg promises taxpayer-funded free gender surgery and housing to transgenders
The biggest difference between President Donald Trump and every single one of the Democratic presidential contenders running for their party’s nomination is this: Self-empowerment versus government handouts. The Democrat Party long ago abandoned any pretense of being a “party of the common American” and instead became the party of bigger and more expensive, intrusive government. […]
By JD Heyes
Bernie campaign staffer who threatened to kill political opponents and burn cities is targeting his own Left-wing base
By now, you may have seen the latest undercover video from Project Veritas featuring Kyle Jurek, an angry, confused, and historically challenged campaign staffer for 2020 Democratic presidential contender “Commie” Bernie Sanders. The video features a foul-mouthed revolutionary wannabe who obviously thinks way too much of himself and his ability to overthrow ‘the system’ that the vast […]
By JD Heyes
Bernie Sanders campaign organizer spews hate, violence as an eco-fascist ready to jail and kill opponents to “save the planet”
Though 2020 Democratic presidential contender Sen. Bernie Sanders did not personally pick campaign organizer Kyle Jurek, clearly Jurek picked Sen. Bernie Sanders — and that should say something about the kind of lunatics he’s attracting. Earlier this week, investigative journalism outfit Project Veritas released the first in a series of undercover videos featuring Jurek threatening death and […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing lunacy now taking over global monetary policy as central banks embrace “climate change”
The insane Left has been predicting human-caused planetary demise since the 1960s, when fear of “overpopulation” and “mass starvation” dominated Western culture. Naturally, those two phenomena didn’t happen, and neither have any of the subsequent predictions of catastrophe: Global cooling, the new Ice Age, global warming, or … “climate change.” President Trump actually addressed this irrational […]
By JD Heyes
Next wave of lawsuits involving Covington Catholic kids being launched against Leftists who incited violence against them
A year ago this month, a group of young men from Covington Catholic School in Kentucky were in Washington, D.C., attending a pro-life event and sightseeing when they were accosted by a Native American activist named Nathan Phillips. While the teens were taking in the Lincoln Memorial, Phillips approached one, Nick Sandmann, and began banging […]
By JD Heyes
UCLA law professor freely admits his university “leans heavily to the Left” and cares little for promoting “conservative, religious” diversity
Ordinarily, liberal academics who long ago infiltrated and dominated America’s college and university campuses try to conceal the fact that politically speaking, they are to the Left of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. But recently one UCLA law school professor not only came out and admitted that his institution is dominated by Left-wing political thought, […]
By JD Heyes
Flat-out treason: Democrats and their Left-wing media allies are providing “aid and comfort” to America’s enemies in Iran
On Thursday President Donald Trump ordered U.S. forces to take out Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ elite Quds Force, after he was tracked to the airport in Baghdad, Iraq. After months of Iranian provocations, to which Trump responded patiently and appropriately, the decision was made to target Soleimani after Iranian […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats vow to “stop Trump” from defending America after Soleimani strike, but they couldn’t care less when OBAMA was killing thousands
We’ve noted before that Democrats have truly become the “anti-America” party, and while this transformation did not begin when Donald Trump became president, it has been completed on his watch. On Friday, the Pentagon announced that the president had ordered the military to strike Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ […]
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