News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
“Black Lives Matter” leader makes clear objective is Left-wing DESTRUCTION of America if demands aren’t met: “We will burn down this system!”
If you still believe that the “Black Lives Matter” movement is just a peaceful attempt at bringing about some police and criminal justice reforms using the constitutional system bequeathed to us by our founders, get rid of that notion because it isn’t true. How do we know? Because a BLM leader himself has admitted as […]
By JD Heyes
NASCAR driver Bubba “Jussie” Wallace backs off, accepts FBI’s conclusion that “noose” found in team garage was NOT a hate crime
After being burned by one race-and-hate-crime hoax after another, tens of millions of Americans no longer accept such ‘horror stories’ at face value anymore. And after what happened this week with NASCAR’s No. 43 driver, Bubba Wallace, the sport’s only black Cup driver, it’s no wonder. On Sunday, reports claimed that a “noose” had been […]
By JD Heyes
Leftist anarchists now fully engaged in cultural revolution against America using commie Bolshevik playbook
The Russian Revolution of 1917 was one of the 20th century’s most monumental events, ushering in a decades-long communist system of government that saw the Soviet Union rise to the stature of a global superpower. The violent uprising “marked the end of the Romanov dynasty and centuries of Russian Imperial rule, noted, adding that […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing anarchist plan to scrub America of its founding history advancing rapidly as calls for removing Jesus from public areas now being heard
The Marxist Left has seized upon the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police as an opportunity to launch a full-blown cultural revolution in America, with the goal of completely wiping out our way of life, form of government, and anything at all associated with our founding. The latest evidence is […]
By JD Heyes
Top elections lawyer says nationwide mail-in ballot plan is “most massive fraud scheme in history” of the country
Here’s a good rule of thumb to remember: When it comes to anything having anything at all to do with elections, if Democrats support it, you should oppose it. That’s because whatever plan or proposal Democrats support involving our elections process, it’s not because they love democracy and want to let voters decide issues. Just […]
By JD Heyes
Chinese access, money turns globalist billionaires like Bill Gates into ChiCom propagandists and puppets
How in the world can American citizens who became fabulously wealthy thanks to our capitalist system come to admire and even support a foreign authoritarian regime that offers far fewer rights and a lot more totalitarian control over the economy? When that country is also fabulously wealthy, possesses a massive untapped market, and wields the […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing media continues to cover up credible sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden because they’re massive hypocrites
When a series of women stepped forward to accuse Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault shortly after President Donald Trump nominated him, the princes and princesses of propaganda in the “mainstream media” covered every word of their allegations as ‘gospel.’ In fact, the MSM coverage was essentially wall-to-wall. One ‘expert’ after another was […]
By JD Heyes
Entertainment elite prove again they hate America with fundraising concert for ChiCom-sympathizing WHO after Trump cuts funding over coronavirus lies
The Left-wing, tone-deaf, out-of-touch liberals in the entertainment industry so hate President Donald Trump and the Republican Party he represents, they instinctively provide aid and comfort to our potential enemies and the international organizations that favor them. They proved it once again in recent days by holding a major fundraising event for the World Health […]
By JD Heyes
MSNBC host suggests Biden form a “shadow government” to run the country amid the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in blatant act of treason
In the history of the United States, there has only been one time when more than one government ruled territory. When southern states seceded in 1861, they formed what would become the Confederate States of America, and for the next four years, there were two governments on the continent — one in Washington, D.C., and […]
By JD Heyes
California continues to reward lawlessness with taxpayer-funded coronavirus gift of $125 million to illegal immigrants
Democrats in California continue to flout laws making it illegal to sneak into the United States by rewarding such lawlessness with benefits paid for by citizens. The latest gift to illegal immigrants is a $125 million Wuhan coronavirus ‘bonus,’ most of which will be paid for by the state’s taxpayers. On Wednesday, Gov. Gavin Newsom […]
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