News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Oregon State Police officers in Portland deputized as federal officers to avoid having rioters repeatedly released by Left-wing Soros-funded prosecutors
President Donald Trump has, for months, asked Portland’s riot-enabling mayor, Ted Wheeler, to step up, be the man he was elected to be, and accept federal help to protect citizens of Portland who have been terrorized by mobs of anarchists for months. But like a good Lefty, Wheeler has consistently refused the president’s offers of […]
By JD Heyes
Did Joe Biden just threaten America with MORE violence if President Trump is reelected?
One of the most underreported aspects of the current violence, unrest and chaos that continues night after night in major cities across America is the fact that the people creating the mayhem all have the same message: Revolution. Now, most Americans will dismiss such calls as nothing more than empty rhetoric being shouted by a […]
By JD Heyes
All that’s wrong with our society: GoFundMe account for Kenosha THUG Jacob Blake raises millions while good cops are slandered, fired, ruined
The “thin blue line” that is already barely holding our civil society together as it is coming off a summer of ‘defund the police’ rioting and looting is getting thinner by the day as America’s criminal element grows in power, influence, and — apparently — wealth. In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised to wake up […]
By JD Heyes
Taxpayer-supported NPR embraces looting and rioting — how long before the Left-wing network voices support for political genocide against conservatives?
In the dystopian, Orwellian world of the Left, up is down, right is wrong, wrong is right, bad is good, and criminal activity is the new justice. Oh, and there is no good racism or class warfare unless the racism is directed against white people and the class warfare consumes the productive wealthy and middle […]
By JD Heyes
FLASHBACK: As rioting, looting, and violence plague American cities, never forget it was DEMOCRATS like Maxine Waters who called for it
After yet another night of violence grotesquely mischaracterized as “peaceful protests” in Portland, another person has lost their life, gunned down, apparently, by a Left-wing maniac simply because he disagreed politically with the victim. According to media reports, a victim wearing a Patriot Prayer cap and other articles of clothing showing his support for police […]
By JD Heyes
New rioting, looting in Minneapolis the result of a FAKE story that cops shot another black man: It was actually suicide
It’s become quite obvious that the radical Leftists who are destroying one American city after another are looking for any excuse they can find to riot and loot. Wanton destruction and theft exploded again in Minneapolis Wednesday evening over an incident that did, indeed, involve the death of another black man and police. But the […]
By JD Heyes
It’s all LIES: Left’s claim that Kenosha shooter was a “militia” member and “white supremacist” is coordinated media disinformation
Leftists and their allies in the disgusting ‘enemy of the people’ media are at it again, fomenting hate and division and stoking a civil war as they spread one lie after another about the young man who allegedly shot and killed two rioters in Kenosha Tuesday while wounding a third. “The video of that kid […]
By JD Heyes
Teen, 17, absurdly charged with murder in Kenosha for DEFENDING himself from BLM thugs and rioters: How come the terrorists are never charged?
Democrats are walking, talking double-standard hypocrites who only enforce laws when it suits them — as is the case in Kenosha, Wis., where a 17-year-old teen has been charged with murder over a clear act of self-defense. On Tuesday, for the third straight night, Black Lives Matter and Antifa agitators and anarchists took to the […]
By JD Heyes
Ocasio-Cortez cheers destruction of cities, rioting, and looting as she claims it’s “profoundly exciting” to see mobs “in the streets”
If you still harbor doubts about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Marxist/socialist tendencies or that she and Democrats like her are 110 percent behind the fomenting of a full-blown revolution within our country, what she had to say about the ongoing rioting and violence gripping cities run by her party should convince you. In an interview with far-Left […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing Chicago mayor claims “vast majority” of BLM protests “have been peaceful” while ignoring the soaring murder of black people
If Democrats are good at anything it is revising history and convincing — or trying to convince — people they’re not really seeing what they’re actually seeing. Portions of Chicago have been a shooting gallery for decades, practically dating back to the days of Al Capone. But the violence has gotten worse, especially over the […]
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