News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Biden gets right to work dismantling the Trump legacy using executive orders to destroy the economy, reopen borders and make America weak again
Joe Biden told a small crowd at his inauguration Wednesday he wanted to ‘unify’ the country. Biden is used to speaking to small crowds; he couldn’t draw flies to a manure festival when he barely campaigned for president last fall. And his running mate, Kamala Harris, was so unpopular even Biden got more black support […]
By JD Heyes
Biden’s pick to run the Justice Department’s civil rights division thinks blacks are superior to whites
Anyone who still believes that Joe Biden’s presidency is going to be one hallmarked by “moderate” policies, unity, and equal opportunity for all can now officially drop that fantasy. Because that isn’t going to happen. Not only is his administration going to be filled with corporatists (yes, the left loves corporations, too), people with ties […]
By JD Heyes
Brother of leftist who stormed U.S. Capitol says hundreds of Antifa members started the riot
For weeks now, since the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol Building — and that’s what it was, a riot, not an “insurrection” that was “incited” by President Donald Trump — supporters of the commander-in-chief have been scratching their heads. Why? Because while undoubtedly some of his supporters did breach the Capitol Building, rioting […]
By JD Heyes
Unhinged PBS chief counsel exposed by Project Veritas fired after vicious attacks on Trump White House, kids of GOP voters
Michael Beller, former principal counsel and unhinged left-wing lunatic at the Public Broadcasting System (PBS), has been fired after he was exposed saying monstrous things about the children of Republican voters, President Donald Trump and his administration, and Middle America. “This employee no longer works for PBS,” a spokesperson for the publicly-funded network told The […]
By JD Heyes
Barack Obama says Trump incited U.S. Capitol violence, but Obama helped foster, nurture and enable the destructive BLM movement
The garbage American media would love for all of us to forget about the fact that the Black Lives Matter movement actually began during President Barack Obama’s second term. BLM adherents rioted often in response to the shooting deaths of mostly unarmed, young black men and often by police — despite the fact that in […]
By JD Heyes
Leftist Democrats claims that Trump “incited violence” when they are the ones who enabled and cheered deadly mobs throughout 2020
For the majority of 2020, left-wing Democrats and their sycophantic supporters in the ‘mainstream’ media and the entertainment industry bashed police officers and praised the ‘peaceful’ protesters who were burning cities, looting businesses, destroying lives and killing people. Now, after a small group of apparent supporters of President Donald Trump broke into the U.S. Capitol […]
By JD Heyes
Pelosi attempted a military coup against Trump while falsely blaming him for leading an “insurrection”
In the age of President Donald Trump, nothing is as it seems as one norm, one system, after another has been torn asunder by his political enemies in their never-ending, maniacal effort to depose him. And every step of the way, the garbage ‘establishment media’ has been in on those efforts. In recent days, several […]
By JD Heyes
Pathetic Democrats and “mainstream media” propagandists rail at Trump supporters for breaching capitol building after ignoring Antifa/BLM riots for months
There is never going to be a better example of how disgustingly corrupt and dishonest Democrats and their propagandists, our “mainstream” media, have become than seeing them react to the admittedly disturbing breach of the U.S. Capitol Building by hundreds of so-called supporters of President Donald Trump on Wednesday. A quick stroll around the Internet […]
By JD Heyes
Attorney Sidney Powell drops more bombshells, says election software that rigged 2020 elections has been used for years to steal House, Senate, governor races
Sidney Powell, who left the Trump campaign legal team to pursue other avenues of massive electoral fraud she uncovered shortly after the November elections, continues to reveal stunning information garnered from her continued investigative work proving beyond any doubt that Americans have lost control over the only real power we had left as individuals: The […]
By JD Heyes
Who says there’s been no vote fraud? Michigan poll worker with sheafs of affidavits begs to differ at bombshell hearing
The louder Democrats and their pathetic cheerleaders in the media scream, ‘There is no vote fraud!’ — the more of it is revealed. In case you missed it, President Donald Trump’s legal team, unable to get cowardly federal and state judges to do the right thing and at least look at their reams of evidence […]
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