News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Not fooling around: Fla. Gov. Ron DeSantis signs nation’s toughest anti-riot law as left-wing cities, states continue to burn
Blue states and cities have been largely putting up with thugs and losers associated with Antifa and Black Lives Matter for the past couple of years destroying buildings and looting and burning businesses, all under the guise of ‘social justice.’ Red states, meantime, have watched in disbelief as many of the same Democrats blithely go along […]
By JD Heyes
Fake news NBC deceptively edits 911 call, video from fatal police shooting in Columbus with knife-wielding black teen
To say that the so-called ‘mainstream’ media is in bed with Democratic efforts to gaslight our country into secession and civil war is an understatement and perhaps the biggest of the year so far. The evidence is plain: Every time there is an incident in the country that can be exploited for the Democrats’ political […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing journalists dox and intimidate Utah paramedic because he gave Kyle Rittenhouse ten bucks
There are some truly lousy human beings in America, and not a few call themselves ‘journalists.’ Here’s a perfect example: If, as an American citizen whose freedom of political choice is supposedly protected under our Constitution, you happen to financially support the ‘wrong’ person — that is, someone designated as ‘wrong’ by the Marxist left […]
By JD Heyes
GUILTY! Jurors find Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd; he now faces decades behind bars after mob threatened to burn down the city if he wasn’t convicted
Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty on Tuesday on all three counts in the death of George Floyd last May. Chauvin was charged with second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter for kneeling on Floyd’s back and neck areas for nearly nine minutes, pinning him to the pavement after he resisted arrest. Prosecutors and […]
By JD Heyes
Here it comes: Dems making moves to take over Supreme Court and make it another legislative branch that will rubber stamp their Marxist agenda
After Joe Biden became the Democratic nominee for president last year, he was asked often whether he favored “packing” the U.S. Supreme Court with left-wing judges, making the nation’s highest court nothing more than a fourth branch of government that served to rubber-stamp a far-left Marxist agenda. Though Biden once called such court-packing a “boneheaded” idea, […]
By JD Heyes
Lunacy: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says American infrastructure has ‘racism physically built’ into it
The lunatics on the left have cried ‘racism!’ ‘racism!’ so often now that literally everything in America is racist. Of course, if everything is racist then nothing truly is — not the least of which is actual racism, as in, treating someone poorly because of their ethnicity and/or skin color. But the left has decided that […]
By JD Heyes
CNN director actually admits his network pushed “propaganda” to get rid of Trump
When our founding fathers were debating the Bill of Rights, they agreed that the new country should have a press free from government control. A free press, they said, was vital to keeping local, state and federal governments in check with a fully informed populace. In their wildest nightmares, none of them could ever have fathomed that […]
By JD Heyes
Prepare for leftists to burn cities again, America: Prosecution in Derek Chauvin trial having trouble proving George Floyd was murdered
Most readers no doubt still have images in their minds of cities burning and businesses being looted by the hundreds following the death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd a year ago next month. While the initial rioting was directly linked to the incident, it was quickly seized upon by Marxist organizations like Black Lives Matter […]
By JD Heyes
StopCorporateTyranny website founded to battle against “woke” corporations that undermine election integrity and traditional values
Once upon a time it could be truthfully said that the vast majority of corporations were run by CEOs who were supporters of the Republican Party. Back in those days, the GOP could be counted on to reliably push back against Democratic expansion of government power through the imposition of rules and regulations that enlarged the […]
By JD Heyes
Massive hypocrites: “Woke” Corporate America opposes voter ID laws but requires them to use their services
Some readers may be old enough to remember when corporate CEOs were mostly Republicans and backers of small government, free markets, free minds, individual liberty and America-first marketing. Well, those days are over. Today’s CEOs are “woke” adherents to Marxist Democratic Party groupthink, with its sycophantic bands of ‘social justice warriors’ who are monumental hypocrites. […]
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