News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Groups push back on national school board org’s efforts to punish parents as “domestic terrorists” for exercising their right to oppose divisive curriculum
If you never thought America would devolve into an actual police state, your opinion was probably changed at the start of, and during, the COVID-19 pandemic, when one left-wing authoritarian mayor and governor after another imposed soul-and-economy-crushing lockdowns. And now that vaccines are available, many of these same people including medical groups, hospitals and corporations […]
By JD Heyes
Leftist group funded by George Soros submits letter to Biden regime calling for killing Republicans
Billionaire George Soros has actively engaged in seditious, treasonous, traitorous activities against the United States for decades, but because he spreads his money around to all the right political leaders, he has gotten away with behavior that would have already landed an ordinary person in prison or on death row. Which goes to prove how […]
By JD Heyes
Pharma retailer CVS tells employees complaining about critical race theory they are racists who need to shut up
For decades, beginning in the late 1960s-early 1970s, critical race theory was an obscure hypothesis limited to academia, but in recent years it has been increasingly introduced into American society, exploited by the Marxist left as a means of dividing — and conquering — our society. In the months following the George Floyd murder, left-wing hacks […]
By JD Heyes
Virginia education plan for third graders appears to celebrate communism, as hard-left indoctrination of our kids continues apace
It is becoming increasingly obvious that parents who legitimately care about their children’s future and want them to enjoy all of the founding principles of America — freedom, individual liberty, and the pursuit of happiness on their own terms — have got to do one of two things. One, they have to get rid of […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing former criminal justice professor accused of setting fires near massive Dixie blaze in Northern California
It’s been this way for decades now, but California is an incubator of left-wing lunatics and Marxists, so it’s not surprising when someone who embraces that sort of ideology turns on the state because there is no controlling people like that. According to the Sacramento Bee, a former professor of criminal justice who taught at […]
By JD Heyes
No masks, no distancing, no vaccines required: Obama’s birthday bash a grotesque parade of hypocrisy and elitism
If you haven’t figured out by now that Democrats are the true party of the rich, hypocritical elite and not the Republican Party, then former President Barack Obama has provided the latest perfect example of rampant, arrogant elitism. While frauds like Dr. Anthony Fauci and his boss, National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins, lecture […]
By JD Heyes
DISNEY employees arrested in child predator sting operation, and no one is surprised
When you come to finally realize and understand that the Democratic left in America is out to destroy our founding institutions because they believe them to be racist/unjust/systemically biased and they hate it when they can’t control people because of personal liberties and freedoms, you can understand why once-family friendly icons like Disney could harbor child […]
By JD Heyes
Black supremacy group demands white parents stop sending their kids to college to “make room” for black students… no education for whites
If you’ve been paying any attention at all to America’s culture wars, then you already know the biggest battles are being waged against whites. No, that’s not a ‘white supremacist’ statement, it’s just true, and anyone with two brain cells to rub together who is being honest with themselves knows it’s true. We’ve seen example […]
By JD Heyes
Toyota is latest corporation to cave to the woke mob: Carmaker stops all donations to Republicans after staged Capitol attack
We have documented six ways to Sunday how the so-called “riot” at the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6 was a false flag incident devised by the anti-Donald Trump deep state. We have also noted that prior to Jan. 6, Democrats, for the past two decades, have frequently objected to presidential electors from various states, […]
By JD Heyes
Critical race theory is just anti-White racism, repackaged to brainwash an entire generation into growing up as racist BIGOTS filled with hatred
American Marxists are not much different than Western Marxists in that they, too, seek to tear down our existing republican-style democracy and replace it with their much more authoritarian model of government. But instead of strictly following Karl Marx’s model of dividing populations by class, American Marxists are using our multiracial, multicultural society to divide […]
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