News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Stolen 2020 election, or was it bought for Biden by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg? Here’s what we know
While tens of millions of former President Donald Trump’s supporters believe that deep state forces within government and both major political parties “stole” the 2020 election from him and installed Joe Biden as a figurehead while his former boss, Barack Obama, is controlling Biden’s Marxist agenda from behind the scenes, the truth is actually a […]
By JD Heyes
GoFundMe goes full libtard, bans fundraising for anything the radical left opposes in move resembling digital Marxism
The vast majority of big tech firms are run by closet capitalists who like to pretend they are patriotic Americans in order to get most of us to patronize them, but the reality is, they aren’t patriots, they are adherents to a foreign political ideology and they use their wealth and power to crush opposition. […]
By JD Heyes
Leaked docs show “woke” Walmart now subjecting white employees to race propaganda, telling them they are guilty of internalized racial superiority
Scores of U.S. corporations, most of which used to be run by patriots who believed in their country and believed that our diverse population was complimentary and unique, are now led by woke semi-capitalists who have adopted a Marxist view of America and are fomenting hate and division within their employee ranks. The latest to […]
By JD Heyes
So fake: Joe Biden is so mind-addled his handlers built a phony “Oval Office” for him across from the White House so he can read his answers from a teleprompter
We don’t believe for a nanosecond that Joe Biden raked in 81 million votes — the ‘most ever’ for a presidential candidate — because whenever the man shows up to a venue, and that is rare, he can barely draw flies. But we do believe that he did get tens of millions of votes because […]
By JD Heyes
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott confirms ballot audit of four of state’s largest counties after narrowing Trump victory in 2020
Texas has long been a red state and our real president, Donald Trump, won the state again in 2020, but the problem is, GOP margins of victory, including Trump’s, have been shrinking over successive election cycles. For example, in 2000, then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush won his state by nearly 22 points; however, last fall, […]
By JD Heyes
Netflix suspends, reinstates three workers who busted into a financial meeting because they’re upset at Dave Chappelle’s ‘transphobia’; walkout now planned
Even the ‘wokest’ of corporations aren’t woke enough for the hyper-left, most of who are budding authoritarians who would, if they could, literally take away the speech and expression rights of any American who disagrees with their views. Like comedian Dave Chappelle. In recent days, Netflix, which has worked with Chappelle for years and has […]
By JD Heyes
As Biden becomes increasingly unpopular, Dems turn to more authoritarian enforcement and suppression
Joe Biden’s polling numbers are tanking, and frankly, we never thought he was somehow going to go on to become the ‘popular president’ he was hailed as being after getting ’81 million votes’ — the ‘most ever’ for a president. The bulk of Biden’s votes were manufactured, we are convinced of it; we’ve seen too […]
By JD Heyes
Alleged TRAITORS caught trying to sell nuclear submarine secrets to a foreign enemy had Black Lives Matter sign in their yard, are obvious LEFTISTS who hate America
This doesn’t happen very often because the agency normally doesn’t deserve it, but the FBI earned some kudos after busting a Maryland couple intent on selling highly classified secrets on the Navy’s newest, most advanced nuclear submarine to a foreign government. According to reports, Navy nuclear engineer Jonathan Toebbe and wife, Diana, were arrested this week […]
By JD Heyes
Now it makes sense: AG Garland is cracking down on parents protesting critical race theory because his family member is getting rich off selling program to schools
Democrats continually accused former President Donald Trump of being corrupt and of profiting off his presidency because people stayed in his Washington, D.C., hotel. But subsequent investigations found that Trump, who never took one dime in salary throughout his four-year term (he donated his quarterly paychecks to government agencies), never violated any laws or any […]
By JD Heyes
WHITES NOT WELCOME: Democrat supporters re-implement segregation at universities to exclude Whites
We all know that America’s colleges and universities are staffed and run by left-wing ‘progressives’ who go all-in for the Democrat Party. The also know that in one generation the party has been transformed from a political organization that seemed to care about the working class of America and fought against societal evils like discrimination and segregation […]
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