News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Rashida Tlaib wants to release ALL federal prisoners across the entire nation, as Democrats devolve into pure insanity
Democrats are excellent at two things: Creating chaos and perpetuating their own power, and in fact, they use one to put the other into effect. Throughout last summer, Democrats fed into the riots that erupted all around the country following the death of George Floyd in the custody of a Minneapolis police officer. They could have […]
By JD Heyes
Lunacy: AOC calls for reduced bail for criminal defendants as man alleged to have mowed down parade participants in Waukesha was out on reduced bail
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has always supported policies that allow criminals, including violent ones, back out on the streets so they can repeat offend and continue to unravel the fraying fabric of society. But you might think she would wait to repeat her call for ending cash bail at least a couple of months after […]
By JD Heyes
Alleged suspect in Waukesha SUV incident has posted violent anti-white threats and BLM slogans and rhetoric
LA black male suspected of plowing into participants in and spectators of a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wis., Saturday afternoon has a lengthy criminal history and is also known to spout virulent anti-white threats and Black Lives Matter materials. “Darrell Edward Brooks Jr, a 39-year-old black male with a long criminal history, has been identified as […]
By JD Heyes
Washington Post finally gets around to correcting its monumentally false reporting about “Trump-Russia collusion” and “Steele dossier”
For years, this publication and those affiliated with us have reported that the ‘mainstream media’ was lying about President Donald Trump being in cahoots with Russia in an attempt to “steal” the 2016 election from one of the most corrupt people ever to hold public office, Hillary Clinton. Surpassed only by her presidential husband, Hillary’s […]
By JD Heyes
Revealed: Whistleblower produces memo detailing DOJ’s clandestine program to target politically incorrect parents as domestic terrorists
Joe Biden has been in office less than 10 months and already his regime is picking up on tactics he used with his predecessor, Barack Obama, in weaponizing elements of government against political opponents. Despite the fact that Attorney General Merrick Garland told the Senate Judiciary Committee last month that he had not tasked the Justice […]
By JD Heyes
Rittenhouse judge bans left-wing MSNBC reporter from proceedings after network producer tried to reveal identities of jurors
As bad as CNN tilts to the left, the kooks at MSNBC are even worse and now they’ve made the most-watched judge in the country right now very angry. On Thursday, Kenosha County Judge Bruce Schoeder banned MSNBC from his courtroom for the duration of the murder trial of Kyle Rittenouse after a network producer […]
By JD Heyes
House Judiciary GOP releases bombshell memo from whistleblower showing Biden DOJ set up “threat classification” for parents under “counterterrorism” division
Late last month, the political hack running Joe Biden’s ‘Justice’ Department, Attorney General Merrick Garland, told the Senate Judiciary Committee that his agency was not viewing or tracking parental behaviors at school board meetings as “threats” or “domestic terrorism.” It now appears that Merrick Garland lied his backside off. Under questioning from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Garland […]
By JD Heyes
Mainstream media finally admits that the “Trump Russia Collusion” and “dossier” stories were completely bogus: What else are they going at admit they got wrong?
It’s been a long time coming and frankly, those of us in the independent media have known this for a long time — years, in fact — but some in the ‘mainstream media’ are finally admitting that their claims about the “Trump-Russia collusion” story as well as the bogus “Steele dossier” were not just a […]
By JD Heyes
National School Boards Association CONSPIRED with Biden’s White House to craft “domestic terrorism” letter that resulted in FBI, DOJ targeting parents
The Biden regime is picking up right where Barack Obama’s regime left off, fully weaponizing an already compromised deep state apparatus to target American political opponents. Obama weaponized the Justice Department, the IRS, the EPA, the NSA and the BATF; so far, Joe Biden is starting with the Justice Department and the FBI. In late […]
By JD Heyes
Biden nominee to oversee American banks a genuine Communist educated in the USSR who wants U.S. oil, gas companies to go bankrupt
The mindless Joe Biden has just nominated a true Russian plant to oversee American banks and who once said she wanted to “bankrupt” U.S. oil and gas companies ostensibly to fight “climate change” but really to weaken our country and allow her motherland to become more powerful and energy dominant. “Joe Biden’s nominee for the […]
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