News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
House Republicans call on Biden’s AWOL Homeland Security to investigate radical “Jane’s Revenge” pro-abortion group as domestic terrorists
Following the unprecedented leak of a draft Supreme Court decision in early May indicating that a majority of justices wanted to overturn the disastrous Roe v. Wade ruling from 1973 legalizing abortion in all 50 states, several pro-abortion groups like “Jane’s Revenge” formed and began attacking churches and pro-life pregnancy centers. After the official decision was […]
By JD Heyes
NO WHITES: University holds segregated graduation ceremony for black students ONLY
Every day we see new examples of how the Democratic left continues to rip Western societies apart at the racial seams in ways from which they will never recover. One of the latest involves another university that has taken itself back to the bad old days of racial segregation. According to True North, Hamilton’s McMaster University held […]
By JD Heyes
LAPD files charges against man for attempted murder during pro-abortion protest following ‘Roe’ decision
Once again, the left is proving that they are the ones who easily transition to violence if they don’t get their way, not the pro-American right. Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s very proper, very constitutional decision overturning Roe v. Wade after 50 years and allowing states the right to decide the issue of abortion on their […]
By JD Heyes
Police forced to intervene to protect Arizona senators after they were trapped by pro-abortion mob
A mob of pro-abortion protesters besieged the Arizona Senate building for a time Friday evening following the announcement earlier in the day by the U.S. Supreme Court that a majority of justices voted to overturn the notorious abortion ruling Roe v. Wade legalizing the procedure across the country in 1973. “Last night, anti-life radicals converged on […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing coastal states led by California forming “abortion alliance” to protect “right” to murder the unborn
Leave it to the left-wing extremists who inhabit and run the Democratic Party: They have reacted to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Friday, June 24, overturning Roe v. Wade by forming an “alliance” to continue providing an “out” to irresponsible women who become pregnant by ensuring they can murder their unborn child. The alliance was immediately announced by […]
By JD Heyes
While Joe Biden lectures Americans about guns, his FBI still hasn’t dealt with Hunter Biden’s lie on background check for handgun
While installed President Joe Biden lectured Americans about ‘gun laws’ and gun rights not being absolute, he was ignoring the fact that his own corrupt, drug-abusing, problematic son, Hunter Biden, broke a major gun law himself. Worse, Biden’s politicized FBI and Justice Department are also ignoring it. Previous reports noted that shortly before it was decided […]
By JD Heyes
Californians now so desperate to escape state they are moving to Mexico to avoid inflation, crime
You are probably aware from our reporting that the ‘great state’ of California is on the verge of collapse, having been literally run into the ground by left-wing Democrats and their insane policies. Inflation, as bad as it is in the rest of America, is much worse in the Golden State, with the average home […]
By JD Heyes
Project Veritas exposes CBS News for using their own in-house reporting to “fact-check” stories
There literally is nothing real or genuine about the vast majority of America’s corporate media, and Project Veritas exposed another aspect of their fakery and dishonesty this week. In the latest undercover exposé from the undercover journalism organization, a CBS News broadcast associate admitted that the network “fact checks” itself by using its own reporting. […]
By JD Heyes
Weird and creepy: Washington Post reporters called out for their coordinated, cult programming behavior
The mainstream media has long ceased to be a profession that seeks to keep Americans properly informed about the things that most affect their lives and their country, instead serving as little more than propaganda outlets pushing predetermined political, social and cultural narratives that seek to keep the elite in power. As such, the vast […]
By JD Heyes
SICK: “Pride in the Park” LGBTQ event aimed at children seeks to perform “unBaptisms” in deep-red state
With each passing day, the left destroys more of our culture, while Americans too afraid to risk their own comfort simply turn their heads and look the other way. To do so, the radical left has turned to the LGTBQ movement — essentially after creating it out of whole cloth just a few years ago — […]
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